Handcrafted for you.
In the modern age of consumerism, we have decided to focus on quality and sustainability, speaking to a generation of people who appreciate the difference between crafting and excess.
Therefore, we work with few businesses and selected retailers. we usually start by listening carefully to the needed requirements, then we conceptualize, prototype & produce the pieces following the budget & a fixed timeline. Usually this process takes between two to four month. It depends on the complexity of production and desired quantity.
Project Name: Formula 1 Saudi Arabian GP.
Quantity: 6300 pcs
Date: 2021
Project Name:ٍ Riyadh bank Corporate gifting 2020.
Quantity: 2600 pcs
Date: 2020
مصنوعة من القلب.
نحن في طيب ملتزمون بالممارسات المستدامة، نبتكر قطعنا الفنية ومنتجاتنا عبر مواد صديقة للبيئة ليكون كل منتج لا مجرد عمل فني؛ ولكنه أيضًا شهادة على تفانينا تجاه أمنا الأرض.
منذ تأسيس طيب، اكتسبنا ثقة العديد من الجهات الحكومية، شبه الحكومية والمؤسسات الخاصة